Membership in Lisburn U3A
Membership of LU3A is open to all people who are no longer in full-time employment; membership is not limited by any chronological age. Applications from younger retired or semi-retired people are welcome. Members of other U3A groups are also welcome to join Lisburn U3A (normal fee applies) – but please let us know that you are a member of elsewhere so that we do not duplicate your registration with the national U3A Trust.
Contact our Membership Secretary by email for more information. Better still, take us up on a one-time invitation to come along as a visitor to one of our monthly meetings. This will give you an opportunity to meet current members and to have any outstanding questions answered to help you decide whether LU3A is for you. There is no obligation to join and you do not have to make a decision on the day. Collect a membership application form to take away with you.
Forms and Fees and Privacy
The annual membership fee is £20 for financial year 1st April to 31 March.
Print out and complete the MEMBERSHIP FORM (<== click here) and either bring the completed form to the next monthly meeting or mail it to the Membership Secretary as per the instructions on the form.
Ideally, we would like you to set up a Standing Order with your bank or building society. The required information is on page two of the Membership Application Form, and it will ensure that future annual membership fees are paid automatically.
However, it is possible to pay your membership fee by cheque each year. If mailing, and paying by cheque, ensure your application is accompanied by a cheque for £20 made out to Lisburn U3A.
If you pay income tax, please complete the Gift Aid section on the Membership Application Form, so that we can claim an extra 25% (£5) from HMRC. Whilst this is at no extra cost to you, it significantly enhances the service we can provide to members.
Your privacy is guarded and respected according to GDPR standards. Individual members’ information is available to the Membership Secretary and Administrative Secretary, the only two committee members with access to the database. Contact details for the Group Leaders and Committee Members are available only to paid up members of Lisburn U3A. View LU3A Privacy Policy; it will open in a new tab.
What Do I Get For My Money?
The annual fees cover:
- Your attendance at all monthly meetings, including talks by guest speakers.
- Participation in many activities which are subsidised by LU3A or other entities. Please note that some activities do incur further costs.
- Monthly LU3A email Newsletter, the Photo Supplement and current Contact Details.
- Affiliation to the national U3A organisation
- Subscription to the national Third Age Matters magazine.
There is no limit to the number of activity groups you can apply to join. If a group is full, you may put your name on a waiting list, or consider starting an additional group. Some members are happy to restrict their involvement mainly to the monthly meetings with guest speakers – others are involved in a great number of activities – that is a matter of personal choice.
Rules and Regulations
Every local U3A group is self-governing and independent from the central U3A Trust. However, to be officially recognised and certified by the umbrella organisation, we must adopt a constitution incorporating U3A aims and guiding principles. The constitution sets out what is expected from members, group conveners and committee members. (LU3A Constitution).